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No women should ever forget that she doesn't need someone who doesn't need her

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I'm a new ME

It's has been quite sometimes since i last wrote in this blog....hurmm. Life's like that. We can never predict future..All is in His hand. The best planner for us. My life has turn over 360 degree for the past few years...Now, I'm on my own. All alone with my POWER RANGERS who are always by my side...
With new environment...I'll strive for my LOVE. No matter how hard it is... Syukur padaNya. Eversince that day, I'll struggle and manage to build up what had broken. But I pity them the most. At their age, they never realized what had happened. Alhamdulilah, all of them never gave me any problems. Seems like they knew and understand the hard time that we are facing now. But, now...I've found my sunshine. Who has been trying to help me to get out of my darkness without giving up a second. Who is always by my side to guide me to the right path. Hopefully that the sunshine will lead us to jannah. In shaa Allah. Semoga Allah permudahkan semua urusanku dunia dan akhirat. Impianku untuk mengenalNya. Mengamalkan segala suruhanNya. Mengenali rasulNya sedekat2nya. Perkenankan lah Ya Rabb. Amin.

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